Tuesday, December 22, 2009
CE Dept hosts COE X'Mas Party 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Terante named PICE Fellow at PICE National Convention
Dr. Danilo C. Terante, Associate Professor of the CE Department was awarded a plaque and medal of distinction by the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) last November 26, 2009 at Camp John Hay Trade and Cultural Center, Baguio City as PICE Fellow for his invaluable contribution to the advancement of civil engineering specifically in the area of hyrdaulics and water resources (HWR) and for the many years of devoted and fruitful service to the institute as director and HWR specialty chair.
Dr. Terante was also elected as director and PRO of the PICE-National 2010 Board of Officers.
In the recent PICE 35th National Convention with the theme " PICE: Leading the way to green buildings and infrastructure" held at Baguio City on November 26-29, 2009, DLSU-Manila CE faculty, alumni and students particpated actively in the various activities. Dr. Terante (chair), Dr. Jonathan Dungca and Dr. Alexis Fillone served as judges in the PICE National CE Student's Quiz.
The following technical papers were also presented:
- Laboratory testing and semi-rigid elastic analysis of steel beam-to-column connections by Angelo Lapuz, Danilo Baluyot, Christopher Camina and Dr. Andres Oreta
- Sustainable solid waste management: a system focused approach by Dr. Danilo Terante
- Urban transport planning of General Santos City, Phils by Riza Marie Paches, Mylen Gecosala and Dr. Alexis Fillone
- Water allocation assessment and optimisation of Malabanan watershed using system dynami approach by Hadji Peejat Aranda and Dr. Danilo Terante
- Investigation of the contaminant transport in the surface run-off of Angat watershed by Dr. Danilo Terante, Andro Raul de Guzman and Joenel Galupino
- Influence of Pozzolan on the Palstic shrinkage of cracking of concrete by Irene Olivia Ubay, Boonchai Stitmannaithum and Toyoharu Nawa
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Galupino wins PICE-LNM's Photo-Video Contest
Monday, November 23, 2009
Fillone wins Best Paper Award at 8th EASTS Int'l Conference
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The 6th CES Bridge Building Seminar

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Congratulations to the Graduates - Term 1 AY 2009-2010

TRE Majors: Charles HONG, Julia Ann JAO, Gerald SUDARIA, Philip Joseph YANG

Master of Engineering: Wyndell ALMENOR with project paper: "Structural Design of a Waste Water Treatment Plant"
(Photos from FB of Andrew Delgado and Joenel Galupino)Sunday, October 4, 2009
Lasallians In Tokyo by Katrina Tengki

On our first day at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, we were welcomed by the Japanese professors and students with a party. They shared their Japanese biscuits, drinks and snacks with us, while we brought dried mangoes, polvoron, and other gifts from the Philippines, which made the Japanese very happy. It was more like an exchange of snacks from both countries while socializing and getting to know each other. Mostly, we were able to communicate with the Japanese students. They could speak English well enough to converse with us a

Then, the speaker box making began. The professor explained the concepts and ideas behind the designing and building of the speaker box. We were introduced to our group mates who would work with us for the speaker box making. The rest of the day was

For the next few days, we followed a routine of going to TIT to work on the speakers from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, and then walking around the streets of Tokyo at night. Our days were spent wood cutting, sanding, drawing, soldering, drilling etc. while our nights were spent walking, shopping and sightseeing. As a result we ended up coming home late and tired each night.

Some of the shopping areas we visited are Ginza, Shibuya, Harajuku and Akihabara. Ginza, is one of the most expensive streets in Tok

During some of our free time spent with the Japanese, we also rode the Tokyo sightseeing party cruise wherein we traveled from Asakusa to Odaiba Seaside Park and passed fourteen bridges on the way. We also visited Disneyland during one of their most-awaited Halloween celebrations. We arrived at Disneyland just in time to watch the parade of all the villains from each of our favorite Disney movies, although we could not understand what they were saying since most of the upbeat songs were in Japanese. The rides were absolutely awesome and entertaining.
Before our trip came to an end, the Japanese students gave us a nice farewell party wherein they shared some snacks and drinks with us at the university. A classroom was again turned into a party room. We took a lot of pictures and the Japanese gave us some souvenirs to remind us of our time in their University. Finally, we said all our goodbyes, did our last minute shopping, and put our minds to going back home to the Philippines and seeing our loved ones again. As the saying goes, “there’s no place like home,” the Philippines would always be home to us, but our memories of Japan would definitely have a special place in our hearts.
The participants of the DLSU-TokyoTech Exchange program were:
(1) Audrey Gaspillo, ME graduate, (2) Morgan Say, 4th yr, CIV, (3) Chesca del Castillo, 4th yr, CIV, (4) Katrina Tengki, 3rd yr, CIV, (5) Domonique Rustia, 3rd yr, IE, (6) Arriane Landicho, 3rd yr, MEM, (7) Aibar Bibi, 3rd yr, ECE, (8) Katrina Angeles, 2nd yr, CHE, (9) Stephanie Siy, 2nd yr, CHE, (10) Kareesa Monsod, 2nd yr, ME
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
CE Students' Thesis presented at S&T Congress '09

- Bending Strength of RC Beams Made of HIgh-Strength Concrete by Bernardo Lejano, Edrick Dan Lim, Erwin Uy and John David Yu
- Effects of Fire on the Flexural Bahvaior of RC Beams by Beranrdo Lejano, Joaquin Galang and Marc Neal Molina
- Genetic Algorithm Simulations for Optimum Design of RC Space Frames by Alden Paul Balili and Andres W.C. Oreta
CE Dept. ASF, Engr. Mary Ann Adajar also presented her paper on "Centrifuge Modeling to Determine the Bearing Capacity of Spread Footing in Sand Under Combined Loadings."
Monday, September 28, 2009
Engr. Balili and Dr. Oreta at IABSE 2009 Bangkok

Monday, September 14, 2009
BSCE Student, Que to receive Athletics Award

- 2nd Place in High Jump - UAAP Season 71 (Jan 2009)
- 2nd Place in High Jump - University Games (Oct 2008)
- 2nd Place in High Jump - National Open (May 29-31, 2008)
- 2nd Place in High Jump and in 4x100 relay - Phil. Olympic Festival (Nov 2007)
- 2nd Place in High Jump - UAAP Season 68 (Feb 2006)
Friday, September 4, 2009
A Farewell Party for Dr. Victor Pulmano
Sunday, August 23, 2009
CE students compete in PICE-LNM Golf Olympic

Friday, August 21, 2009
AlumNews: Connecting with an Alumnus - Ven Martelino
I am seeking for a good design firm here in Cebu where I can learn and practice as a stuctural engineer, would you happen to have recomendations on which companies I could go in to. Thank you. Ven Martelino
16 June 2009: Hello Dr. Andy:
... I am still here in Abu Dhabi not in Dubai under Abu Dhabi Precast...Regarding your inquiry, since I left Cebu it was Primary Structures who can give good training for aspiring structural designers as well as other related fields in civil engineering due to its numerous projects done or currently undertaken in Cebu. For purely consultancy works, there is Hudson Engineering Consultancy who is doing structural design and drafting in Cebu, but its projects are in Texas, USA. Regards, Engr. Giovanni Enecio, MSCE
26 June 2009: Greetings Dr. Oreta,
I am happy to inform you that I am now employed under BW Hudson Engineers. I will under go training in structural under Engr. Randy Gopoaco which formerly worked under Engr. Giovani at Abu Dhabi. In a few months I will go to Davao for another training program in civil, and at the end of the year, I will be sent to US for training in construction management since all of the company's projects are in the US. Thank you to you and to Engr. Giovani for your help and advice. Ven Martelino
I havn't heard from you since when you were hired by Hudson. Send me an update with your photo. I want to write about our alumni and post it in our CE Dept. blogsite. AWCO
Regarding my experience in Hudson, sad to say it was short. They were very much affected by the recession. There has not been any major design projects from Texas since Febuary of this year. More than half of the staff have been layed-off and we who were left were placed on an on-call basis.
I have decided to look for another job. I am currently waiting for the approval from ASEC Development & Construction Corp. for a position in their construction of high rise projects here in Cebu.
Engr. Gopaoco, who is the overall head at Hudson and formerly under Engr. Giovanni at Abu Dabi, is now working in another company. He has offered his assistance in mentoring me in my pursuit of practicing structural design.
I will send you an update as soon as I get involved with ASEC. Ven Martelino
Friday, August 7, 2009
Dungca : Awardee for Best Faculty Adviser '09

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Testimonial for New Lasallian Civil Engineers '09
No. 2 - Alvin Varquez
No. 6 - Michael Paolo Bellosillo
DLSU's percent passing was 89.5% (34/38), while the national passing was 44%.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Congratulations to the MSCE Graduates (SY'08-09)

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Celebrating with Dr. Pulmano
The CE Department celebrated with visiting Balik Scientist from Australia, Dr. Victor Pulamano (aka Daddy Vic) a sumptous lunch last July 10, 2009 at the San Miguel by the Bay. Attending the activity were full time and part time faculty members, the department staff and guest, Engr. Boots Ubay. It was a fun and enjoyable feast of seafoods (crabs, shrimps, tilapia, tahong and lapu-lapu). Mabuhay ka Daddy Vic. Animo CIV!
Friday, July 10, 2009
CE Specialization Talks 2009
- Dr. Bernard Lejano - CE Department Policies on Specialization
- Engr. Jason Ongpeng - Construction Technology and Management
- Dr. Danilo Terante - Hydraulics and Water Resources
- Dr. Alexis Fillone - Transportation Engineering
- Dr. Andy Oreta - Structural Engineering
The other CE faculty members who attended the forum include CE Dept. chair Engr. Ronaldo Gallardo, Dr. Victor Pulmano, Dr. Renan Tanhueco, Engr. Yen Ubay and Dr. Jonathan Dungca.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
DLSU-M Annual Faculty Recognition '09

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
DLSU-M Papers at PICE Midyear Convention 2009

Transportation Engineering
Presentor: Dr. Alexis M. Fillone: On-Street Parking Inventory in the Malate-Ermita Area of the City of Manila
Authors: Dr. Alexis M. Fillone, Ms. Maria Cecilia R. Paringit, Mr. Gerald M. Sudaria, Mr. Gerald P. Oyon-oyon and Mr. Philip Joseph U. Yang
Structural Engineering
Presentor: Engr. Alden Paul Balili : Optimal Design of RC Frames Considering Seismic Provisions Using Genetic Algorithms Authors: Alden Paul Balili and Dr. Andres Winston Oreta
Presentor: Dr. Jonathan R. Dungca: Properties of Lightweight Wall Panels Made Up of Rice Hull, Fiber Glass and Mortalite
Authors: Dr. Jonathan R. Dungca, Mark Andrew Delgado and Shurwin Kim Pascual
Presentor: Dr. Bernardo A. Lejano: Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Made of High-Strength Concrete
Authors: Dr. Bernardo A. Lejano, Edrick Dan Lim, Erwin Uy and John David Yu
Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering
Presentor : Dr. Danilo Terante: System Dynamic Analysis for Sustainable Urban Drainage System Authors: Dr. Danilo C. Terante, Ma. Caroline Codilla, Louie de Guzman and Ma. Ronna Yap
Saturday, May 30, 2009
DOST Balik Scientist Dr. Pulmano at DLSU-Manila
Dr. Pulmano is expected to give lectures on graduate/undergraduate courses on Matrix Theory of Structures and Engineering Mechanics. He will be involved in the preparation of research proposals and seminar type lecture presentation on the specialized topics such as Finite Element Modeling and Analysis.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Welcome FROSH 2009!

- I. Video Presentation
- II. Opening Remarks from Vice Dean - Dr. Bernardo A. Lejano
- III. Message from the Chair - Engr. Ronaldo S. Gallardo
- IV. Introduction of the CE Faculty
- V. Alumni Talks
- VI. Open Forum
a. Introduction of the Executive Board
b. Message from the President - VIII. Snacks
- IX. Laboratory Tour - Facilitated by Dr. Jonathan Dungca
Monday, May 25, 2009
AlumNews: Lasallian Alumni Inducted Directors of PICE-Tarlac Chapter
Instructor - Civil and Sanitary Engineering, Technological Institute of the Philippines QC
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Lasallians Topped May 2009 CE Board Exams
- No. 1 - Chua Man Wai (96.5%)
- No. 2 - Alvin Varquez (95.8%)
- No. 6 - Michael Paolo Bellosillo (94.75%)
A total of 1,199 (44%) out of 2,744 examinees passed the 2009 Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations according to the Professional Regulation Commission. Here is the list of the new Lasallian civil engineers based on the PRC website:
DLSU – Manila May 2009 CE Board Exam Passers and New Civil Engineers!
Animo La Salle!
1. Almalbis, Mark Anthony Hontiveros 2. Arias, Ariel Jesus Dumaguete 3. Baluyut, Katrina Sta Maria 4. Bellosillo, Michael Paolo Soto 5. Borja, Maurel Chito Santos 6. Calderon, Quintin Kristoffer Lontok 7. Chan, Kenley Lawrence Ong 8. Chua, Man Wai Lue 9. Fermin, Francezca Atienza 10. Follosco, Marc Angelo Samonte 11. Go, Eugene Jerome Tan 12. Hao, Nathan Wilbert
13. Hiteroza, Peter Joseph Ocampo 14. Jo, Mikhail Ivan Kristoff Lim 15. Lacson, Marcial Jr Tanhueco 16. Leaño, Van Vincent Bay 17. Leus, Sheila Maxine Ann Castillo 18. Lim, Jan Rainier 19. Manalansan, Enrico Francisco Iii Yaptinchay 20. Manalo, Justin Vittorio Talens 21. Manuel, Jeffrey Calaquian 22. Martelino, Ven Nino Gemil 23. Mendoza, Rizza Marie Campeña 24. Ocampo, Christine Uy 25. Perez, Angelica Denise Caparas 26. Punzalan, Katrina Deonio 27. Ramos, Art Jester Cosico 28. Reyes, Joseph Dante Briones 29. Suarez, Maria Celina Natividad 30. Tan-Afuan, Andrew Clark Ching 31. Trinidad, Matthew San Diego 32.Varquez, Allen Christian Galang 33. Varquez, Alvin Christopher Galang
34. Vitug, John Erik
If your name was not included in this list, please inform us.
Friday, May 8, 2009
DLSU Faculty & Students at 14AIC
(b) The Effect of Fire on the Bending Strength of RC Beams by Bernardo Lejano, Joaquin M. Galang and Marc Neal Molina
Sunday, April 26, 2009
A Prayer for Greg

Saturday, April 25, 2009
The 2nd AnimoSibil Basketball Tournament 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Cheers to Prof. Hiroo Niiyama!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Lasallian Excellence Awards 2009 - 2 out of 4!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
AnimoSibil bowls at PICE-LNM Tournament

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
PRESDES Class Visits Freyssinet Plant
“Due to the fieldtrip, the concepts discussed in the lessons are now well understood.”
“In spite of the hot weather, we still enjoyed the trip and we were able to see firsthand the things we learned in class.”
“As we toured around, we were informed on the step by step process of how they create their prestressing members.”
“This trip greatly helped us to have a better visualization of lessons in PRESDES.”
“It was very difficult to study things when you are only allowed to imagine them. Seeing things makes it simpler what is taught in class.”
“The field trip was an experience that helped me realize the importance of actually seeing the construction of structural elements like prestress concrete.”
“We got the chance to look at the customization of steel especially for the use of prestress concrete.”
“I learned field practices in fabricating prestressed beams, piles, etc. I was exposed to the gigantic machines, jacks that they used for fabrications. I never knew such machines existed until our fieldtrip.”
“I never thought it would be that so informative.”
Monday, March 16, 2009
Faculty Present Papers in ASEAN CE Conference
1. Dr. Jonathan R. Dungca - Liquefaction potential assessment using SPT data
2. Dr. Alexis M. Fillone - On-street parking inventory in the City of Manila
3. Dr. Bernardo A. Lejano - Modeling the stress-strain relationship of high strength concrete made of local aggregates

The 1st ACEC was organized by the Departments of Civil Engineering of Chulalongkorn University and Burapha University and was supported by the ASEAN Foundation and JICA through AUN/SEED-Net.
Pattaya is a coastal city located south of Bangkok and is one of the popular tourist destinations in Thailand.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The 3rd JSPS-DOST International Symposium

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Soil Mech Field Experiment at DHVCAT

Sunday, February 8, 2009
The 5th CES Bridge Building Competition

RICOSEN Fieldtrip

Monday, January 26, 2009
CE Graduate Students ONLINE Advising

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Gallardo & Oreta at JSPS Meeting - Bangkok
CIV Thesis presented at RSID6 - Bangkok

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Stanford Univ Prof Borja at DLSU-Manila