Thursday, January 3, 2019

DLSU CE at the Eighth International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMATE 2018) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

GEOMATE International Society in coordination with Monash University, Malaysia, Mie University Research Center for Environmental Load Reduction, Useful Plant Spread Society, Glorious International, AOI Engineering, HOJUN, JCK, CosmoWinds and Beppu Construction, Japan organized the Eighth International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, from 20 to 22 November 2018 at Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The conference aims to provide an opportunity to share researches on geo-engineering, construction materials, environmental issues, water resources, and earthquake and tsunami disasters.   

DLSU delegates at Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Civil Engineering Department Faculty members Dr. Mary Ann Q. Adajar, Dr. Lessandro Estelito Garciano Dr. Bernardo A. Lejano and Dr. Erica Elice S. Uy, Academic Service Faculty Engr. Joenel G. Galupino, Graduate students Engr. Alvin Quizon and Engr. Stephen John C. Clemente and DLSU Alumni Dr. Gilford B. Estores, Engr. Rainier Lawrence A. Valdez and John Carlo R. Samarita went to the conference to present their respective researches. 

Papers presented are the following:
Compressed Earth Blocks with Powdered Green Mussel Shell as Partial Binder and Pig Hair as Fiber Reinforcement
Bernardo A. Lejano, Ram Julian Gabaldon, Patrick Jason Go, Carlos Gabriel Juan, and Michael Wong
Investigation of The Flexural Strength of Cold-Formed Steel C-Sections Using Computational and Experimental Method
Bernardo A. Lejano and Eyen James D. Ledesma
Volume Change Behavior of Sea Water Exposed Coal Ash Using Hyperbolic Model
Erica Elice S. Uy, Jonathan R. Dungca and Mary Ann Q. Adajar
Regression Modeling of Breakout Strength of An Expansion Anchor Bolt as Influenced By Concrete Aggregates
Gilford B. Estores, Wyndell A. Almenor and Charity Hope A. Gayatin
Investigating The Effect of Geotextile as Reinforcement on The Bearing Capacity of Granular Soil
John Carlo R. Samarita, and Mary Ann Q. Adajar
A Comparative Study on The Use of Woven Geotextile for Settlement Reduction of Spread Footing on Granular Soil
Mary Ann Adajar, Maricris Gudes and Lillibelle Tan
Reliability Assessment of Wooden Trusses of A Historical School
Alvin Quizon and Lessandro Estelito Garciano
Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Flexural and Compressive Strength of Concrete Reinforced with Polypropylene Fibers
Stephen John C. Clemente, Edward Caezar D.C. Alimorong and Nolan C. Concha
Investigating The Effectiveness Of Rice Husk Ash as Stabilizing Agent of Expansive Soil
Mary Ann Q. Adajar, Christian James P. Aquino and Joselito D. Dela Cruz II
Quezon City Soil Profile Reference
Joenel G. Galupino and Jonathan R. Dungca
Efficient Repair Scheduling Strategy of A Multiple-Source Lifeline Network Using Constrained Spanning Forest (CSF)
Lessandro Estelito Garciano, Agnes Garciano, Mark Tolentino and Abraham Matthew Carandang
Seismic Reliability Analysis of Lifeline: A Case Study on The Water Network System of Biñan City, Laguna
Rainier Lawrence A. Valdez, Lessandro Estelito O. Garciano and Takeshi Koike

All papers submitted were published at the International Journal of Geomate (ISI/Scopus-Indexed).

DLSU CIV Paper won at the Fourth International Conference on Science, Engineering & Environment (SEE 2018) in Nagoya, Japan

The Fourth International Conference on Science, Engineering & Environment (SEE) was organized by the Mie University Research Center for Environmental Load Reduction, The GEOMATE International Society, Useful Plant Spread Society, Glorious International, AOI Engineering, HOJUN, JCK, CosmoWinds and Beppu Construction, Japan. It aims to provide with great opportunities to share common interests and ideal academic platform for researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners to present their latest research results, ideas, developments and applications in all areas of Engineering, Natural Sciences and Environment. It was held last Nov.12-14, 2018 at the Meitetsu New Grand Hotel, Nagoya, Japan.

Civil Engineering Department Faculty members Dr. Jonathan R. Dungca, Engr. Cheryl Lyne C. Roxas, Engr. Richard M. De Jesus and Dr. Erica Elice S. Uy, Phd Candidate Engr. Nolan C. Concha, Graduate student Engr. Jenes P. Borais, Undergraduate students Carmela Denise C. Isberto, Krystoffer Lloyd D. Labra and Jan Marielle B. Landicho went to the conference to present their respective researches.

The paper of Engr. Richard M. De Jesus together with his undergraduate , Anthony Tang and Alvin Cunanan, entitled “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Treated Recycled Concrete Aggregates” was chosen to receive the best paper award.

Best Paper Plaque

DLSU delegates at Meitetsu New Grand Hotel, Nagoya, Japan

Papers presented are the following:

Non-Contact Estimation of Strain Parameter-Triggering Liquefaction
Erica Elice Saloma Uy, Toshihiro Noda, Kentaro Nakai and Jonathan Rivera Dungca

Optimized Preparation of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) as a Supplementary Cementitious Material
Carmela Denise C. Isberto, Krystoffer Lloyd D. Labra, Jan Marielle B. Landicho, and
Richard M. De Jesus

Assessment of Out-Of-Plane Failure of Non-Engineered Masonry Wall Due to Typhoon Haiyan-Induced Storm Surges
Jenes P. Borais, and Richard De Jesus

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Treated Recycled Concrete Aggregates
Richard De Jesus, Anthony Tang and Alvin Cunanan

Bond Strength Prediction Model of Corroded Reinforcement in Concrete using Neural Network
Nolan C. Concha and Andres Winston C. Oreta

An Artificial Neural Network Model for the Corrosion Current Density of Steel in Mortar Mixed with Seawater
Cheryl Lyne C. Roxas and Bernardo A. Lejano

Synthesis of One-Part Geopolymer using D-Optimal Mixture Design for Soil Stabilization
April Anne S. Tigue, Jonathan R. Dungca, and Michael Angelo B. Promentilla

Use of Dry Mixing Method in Fly Ash Based Geopolymer as a Stabilizer for Dredged Soil
Jonathan R. Dungca, Kimberly D. Ang, Aila Mae L. Isaac, John Joshua R. Joven and Ma.
Beatrice T. Sollano

Radial Flow Permeameter: A Proposed Apparatus to Measure Horizontal Hydraulic Gradient of Fly-Ash Based Geopolymer-Soil Mix
Jonathan R. Dungca, Winchell Dunley T. Lao, Matthew Lim, Wilson D. Lu and Juan Carlos P. Redelicia

Vertical Permeability of Dredged Soil Stabilized with Fly-Ash Based Geopolymer for Road Embankment
Jonathan R. Dungca, Winchell Dunley T. Lao, Matthew Lim, Wilson D. Lu and Juan Carlos P. Redelicia

All papers submitted were published at the International Journal of Geomate (ISI/Scopus-Indexed).