KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA – The International Conference on
Advances in Civil, Structural, Environmental and Bio-technology – CSEB 2014 was
held last March 08-09, 2014 in G-Tower, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. In the sessions for various presentations, DLSU BS-MS CE students, namely Paul Bryan P. Bidol and Arvin Patrick T. Yu, presented their DLSU research papers on the second day of the conference, under the Civil and Environmental track. The papers are:
- Investigation of the Strength of Cold-Formed Steel C-Section in Compression by Arvin Patrick Yu and Dr. Bernardo A. Lejano
Arvin Yu - BSMS (STE Major) |
- Investigation on the Influence of Coal Ash Replacement and Seawater Mixing and Curing on the Strength Development of Concrete by Paul Bryan P. Bidol , Engr. Ronaldo S. Gallardo, and Engr. Irene Olivia M. Ubay-Anongphouth
Paul Bidol - BSMS (CTM Major).
The paper by Paul Bidol et al was selected as one of the Best Paper in the Conference. |
CSEB2014 was organized by Universal Association of Computer and
Electronics Engineers (UACEE),
Universal Association of
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineers (UAMAE), Universal
Association of Civil,
Structural and Environmental
Engineers (UACSE) which are associated networks of Institute of Research
Engineers and Doctors (IRED). The conference aimed to facilitate and promote
exchanges in scientific information, and collaboration between researchers and
engineers all over the world. The conference also aims to help build long-term,
resourceful and sustainable communication amongst researchers and practitioners
working in a wide variety of scientific areas.
The conference had received papers for review from over 45 countries
including Algeria, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Brunei- Darussalam, Canada,
Colombia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece,
Hong Kong, India,
Indonesia, Iran, Ireland,
Jordan, Korea, Kuwait,
Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, New Zealand, Oman, P.R. China, Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia, Syria, Singapore, Spain,
Sri Lanka, Sweden, Taiwan, Tunisia, UAE, United Kingdom, and USA. The program
committee had gone through a
rigorous process of
review in order
to select research
articles for presentation in the
conference and for
publication in SEEK
Digital Library.
Papers presented in CSEB2014 will be published by the IRED Conference Publishing
System and it will be made available in the Seek Digital Library. The
researches will also be submitted for indexing in all major indexing services
such as DBLP, IET Inspec, Scopus, EI Compdex, Google Scholar and Proquest. The
papers will also be published in international journals with ISSN numbers.
- Reported by Paul Bidol and Arvin Yu