108 delegates coming from 49 Engineering schools here and abroad participated at the International Conference on Civil Engineering Education (
ICCEE2012) organized by the Civil Engineering Department, DLSU, Manila held last Nov. 9-10, 2012 at the Br. Andrew Gonzalez Hall, DLSU, Manila. The 10th National CE Education Congress was also hosted by the CE Department in cooperation with the Association of CE Educators of the Philippines (ACEEP). The distribution of participants are as follows: Metro Manila (38), Luzon excl. MM (33), Visayas (6), Mindanao (25) and Foreign Country (6). DLSU being the host has the most number of delegates (16) followed by Batangas State University with seven.
The Online Keynote Lecture by Dr. Amelito Enriquez |
One unique highlight of the conference is a keynote lecture delivered live from the USA by Dr. Amelito Enriquez of Cañada College, USA to illustrate how Information Technology (Elluminate) can be used in Engineering Education.
Welcome Speech by Br. Ricky FSC |
Br. Ricky Laguda FSC welcomed the delegates while Dr. Ricardo Pama, chair of the Technical Panel on Engineering and Technology of CHED delivered the keynote speech. There were five keynote lectures delivered by distinguished professors from New Zealand, Japan and Thailand. Four plenary sessions were held for the preseantations of 20 papers on Outcomes-Based Education, Information and Computing Technology, Innovative Teaching and Curriculum and Research.
Pre-conference activities were conducted in the morning of November 9, 2012. A seminar on CASEE101, a video showing on Civil Engineering and DLSU CE Laboratory tours were held for the benefit of the delegates.