DLSU-M faculty members, Prof. Andres Winston Oreta, Assoc. Prof. Danilo Terante and Assoc. Prof. Alexis Fillone and Lasallian alumni (COE Graduate Studies) will present papers at the 5th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Resion (CECAR 5) which will be held on August 8-12, 2010 at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia. The theme for the Conference is Innovative Community Building. This conference will be an "opportunity to discuss innovative civil and structural engineering projects and to network with colleagues". It will also "provide engineers with the opportunity to hear presentations from academia and industry leaders on their visions for building enhancement in the community."
The papers that will be presented by the faculty are as follows: (Click the title to view the link to the abstract)
by Dr. Jerry Velasquez (UNISDR), Dr. Andres Oreta (DLSU- CE Dept), Dr. Renan Tanhueco (DLSU-CE Dept) and Dr. Florante Salvador (DLSU - CCS)
by Dr. Danilo Terante (DLSU CE Dept), Albert Lamberte (DLSU BSCE Student) and Emilia Sevilla (DLSU BSCE Student)
by Dr Alexis Fillone (DLSU CE Dept) and Dr Maria Cecilia Paringit (DLSU CE Dept)
The papers that will be presented by the DLSU alumni (COE Graduate Studies) are as follows:
by Dexter Lo (Xavier Univ. ) and Dr. Andres Oreta
by Dr. Cesar Vallejo (Isabela State University)