Tuesday, December 22, 2009
CE Dept hosts COE X'Mas Party 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Terante named PICE Fellow at PICE National Convention
Dr. Danilo C. Terante, Associate Professor of the CE Department was awarded a plaque and medal of distinction by the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) last November 26, 2009 at Camp John Hay Trade and Cultural Center, Baguio City as PICE Fellow for his invaluable contribution to the advancement of civil engineering specifically in the area of hyrdaulics and water resources (HWR) and for the many years of devoted and fruitful service to the institute as director and HWR specialty chair.
Dr. Terante was also elected as director and PRO of the PICE-National 2010 Board of Officers.
In the recent PICE 35th National Convention with the theme " PICE: Leading the way to green buildings and infrastructure" held at Baguio City on November 26-29, 2009, DLSU-Manila CE faculty, alumni and students particpated actively in the various activities. Dr. Terante (chair), Dr. Jonathan Dungca and Dr. Alexis Fillone served as judges in the PICE National CE Student's Quiz.
The following technical papers were also presented:
- Laboratory testing and semi-rigid elastic analysis of steel beam-to-column connections by Angelo Lapuz, Danilo Baluyot, Christopher Camina and Dr. Andres Oreta
- Sustainable solid waste management: a system focused approach by Dr. Danilo Terante
- Urban transport planning of General Santos City, Phils by Riza Marie Paches, Mylen Gecosala and Dr. Alexis Fillone
- Water allocation assessment and optimisation of Malabanan watershed using system dynami approach by Hadji Peejat Aranda and Dr. Danilo Terante
- Investigation of the contaminant transport in the surface run-off of Angat watershed by Dr. Danilo Terante, Andro Raul de Guzman and Joenel Galupino
- Influence of Pozzolan on the Palstic shrinkage of cracking of concrete by Irene Olivia Ubay, Boonchai Stitmannaithum and Toyoharu Nawa