Thursday, October 5, 2023

DLSU Grad Students compete at IDEERS 2023 – Taipei


MSCE Student and civil engineer Rei Kevin Tungcab and BSMS students, Jade Vanessa Ching, Aldrei Ong and Vicente Raphael Chan with Dr. Rodolfo Mendoza Jr. as coach represented DLSU Department of Civil Engineering at the shaking table competition entitled "Introducing and Demonstrating Earthquake Engineering Research in Schools (IDEERS)" on Sept. 21-23, 2023 held at Taipei, Taiwan. The team designed a three story wooden model based on the façade of St. Lasalle Hall. The model was constructed with wood connected by glue with damper and supported with a base-isolation system made of steel ball rollers. The model’s parts were transported to the NCREE site and assembled for the shake table testing which was held on Sept. 23, 2023. There were 11 teams that competed in the graduate level including one team from UP ICE. The model of the Green IDEERS team survived two stages of the testing (up to 800 gals) and failed on the third stage. It was the first time for DLSU to join IDEERS unlike the other teams that have been participating IDEERS for more than five or more years. The team was supported by DLSU DCE and Petro Jikken. Dr. Jonel Galupino, Engr. Salvador Oleivar and Dr. Andy Oreta supported the DLSU Green IDEERS team in the preparation before the team left for Taipei. IDEERS was hosted by the Taiwan National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) and the National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs).

DLSU Green IDEERS Model Building (Exhibit and Model)

The final score after the Shake Table Testing

IDEERS Shake Table with the competing model buildings

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