Monday, March 25, 2019

CE Faculty at DRSD2019 - AIT

DLSU GCOE Faculty and CESDR DRU Members inside the wind tunnel of AIT-Thamassat University
 CE Faculty members, Dr. Andres Oreta, Dr. Renan Tanhueco and Dr. Marla Redillas attended and presented papers the International Symposium on Disaster Resilience & Sustainable Development (DRSD2019) hed on March 7-8, 2019 at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. Read related article at CESDR DRU blog.

Dr. Tanhueco presented a paper on "Developing teaching and learning modules for a disaster readiness and risk reduction subject. Ths paper is co-authored by a team of DLSU faculty who developed the DR&RR modules for the senior high school students.

Dr. Oreta presented the paper on "Identifying research interventions on resilience building using the ten essentials for “making cities resilient” global campaign."  This paper is co-authored by members of the URCO RPW on Building Resilient Cities & Communities.

Dr. Redillas presented her paper co-authored with students on "Investigation on the potential of LID in urban land uses in the Philippines."

The CE Faculty represented the DLSU CESDR Disaster Resilience Unit and joining them as presentors were Dr. Mutuc (IE Dept) and Dr. Lawrence Materum (ECE Dept).

CESDR DRU Presentors
After the symposium, the team had a lab tour of the Wind Tunnel of AIT and Thamassat University.  The research staff of AIT Consulting facilitated the tour.

Briefing about the wind Tunnel at AIT Consulting Office

3D-printed models tested at the wind tunnel

3D-Printned models on display at the AIT-Consulting Office

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