Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Oreta lectures at Kyushu University

Prof. Andres Winston Oreta delivered a lecture on "Making Cities Resilient: The Ten Essentials and Best Practices"at Kyushu University on July 5, 2017. The lecture was attended by undergraduate and graduate students and faculty under the Research Group on Adaptation to Global Geo-disaster and Environment headed by Prof. Hemanta Hazarika.

Oreta is at Kyushu University, Ito Campus from June 29 - July 10, 2017 as a visiting researcher under the AUN/SEED-Net Short Term Research in Japan Program (SRJP) with Prof. Hazarika as host professor. His theme for the short visit is "Making Cities Resilient to Natural Disasters: Learning and Adapting Best Practices from Japan (The Case of Kumamoto and Fukuoka)".

Research Plan:
Based on the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030, UNISDR proposed a new assessment checklist for "Making Cities Resilient.”  The new ten essential checklist is presently in the evaluation and development stage. Applying this checklist to selected cities that have a track record of being resilient to disasters will guide the researcher on what practices and strategies are effective to build resilience.  Many cities in Japan like Fukuoaka and Kumamoto have strong and effective programs on disaster resilience. Kumamoto, in particular, experienced an earthquake in 2016. Learning from the experience of Kumamoto with respect to disaster resilience and rehabilitation to the recent earthquake and identifying some of the best practices on disaster resilience in cities like Kumamoto and Fukuoka will provide useful information to the researcher on how to localize and adapt these best practices in the cities in the Philippines.
With Prof. Hazarika (also an alumnus of Nagoya University)

Kyushu University, Ito Campus
Kyushu University, Ito Campus is located on a hilly area in Fukuoka

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