Friday, June 21, 2013

DLSU CIV Pre-Board Exam 101 - 100% Passing + No. 1 CE School

Ms. Cheryl C. Roxas (Vice-Chair) explains the mechanics of the diagnostic tests

To achieve a 100% passing percentage in the CE Licensure Exams is one of  the goals of the University. To realize  this goal, the CE Department started its  CIV Pre-Board Exan 101 this term for all students undergoing practicum. The Department aims a "101" performance meaning 100% passing and No. 1 School in the CE Board Exams. The diagnostic tests are aimed to assess the level of stock knowledge and degree of preparation of the students for the CE Licensure Exams which are held every November and May. Knowing the students' weaknesses in the tests will guide them on where to concentrate their review.

The first set of exams is scheduled this first term AY 2013-2014.There are three tests: (a) Math and Surveying : June 22, 2013, (b) Geotechnical, Hydraulics and Transportation: July 13, 2013, (c) Structural and Construction Engineering: July 27, 2013.

The test coordinators for this program are Dr. Alexis Filone (Math/Surveying). Dr. Renan Tanhueco (Hydraulics/Transportation/Geotechnical) and Alden Paul Balili (Structural/Construction).

DLSU CE Practicum students taking the Math/Surveying Test on June 22, 2013
DLSU got a 100% passing rate in the CE Board exams on May 1998 (National Passing: 35.78%)  and November 2001 (National Passing: 35.42%). The lowest passing rate of DLSU was 60% vs a National Passing percentage of 36.43% on May 1995.  In the latest CE Board exam on May 2013, DLSU's passing percentage was 98.46%  or 64/65 vs a National Passing: 42.82%. This latest passing percentage is DLSU's 2nd highest passing percentage after 100%. DLSU consistently had a passing percentage relatively above the National passing percentage.

The CIV Pre-Board Diagnostic Tests 101 Program is a voluntary service of the Department for the graduating students. No fee is charged.

Photos by JMCO

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