Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dr. Alfaro: Geotechnical Engineering Expert to hold lectures

The Department of Civil Engineering, in cooperation with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) invites everyone to a two-day lecture on Geotechncial Engineering by visting lecturer, Dr. Marolo C. Alfaro, a Civil Engineer specializing in Geotechnical Engineering on August 2-3, 2010. The schedule and topics of his lectures are as follows:

  • August 2 (Mon) 9AM - 5PM : Design and Construction of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil (GRS) Structures
  • August 3 (Tue) 9AM- 12NN: Riverbank Stabilization Using Rockfill Columns

Dr. Alfaro is a registered professional engineer in the Province of Manitoba, Canada. He is a member of the Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS), Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), International Society of Geosynthetics (IGS), and International Association of Lowland Technology (IALT).

His research interests include: geosynthetics in civil engineering applications, soil and ground improvement techniques, soft clay engineering, and transportation geotechnics. Dr. Alfaro has authored or co-authored technical papers in international refereed journals and conference proceedings. He is a co-author of the book Improvement Techniques of Soft Ground in Subsiding and Lowland Environment published by Balkema Publishers, Netherlands. He co-authored a book chapter on Seismic Aspects of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Walls and Slopes in Geosynthetics and Their Applications published by Thomas Telford in England.

If you are attending the lecture, we would appreciate if you send us your name and organization on or before July 29, 2010 (Thursday) to avoid any inconvenience in entering the campus. Send to

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